SPUser Group Management

SPUser Group Management

How to Create\Update\Retrieve\Delete a Personal UserGroup for a User in SharePoint by using APIs

Personal User Groups can be Created, Updated, Retrieved and Deleted by using SharePoint APIs as given below...

//Create Group
SPUser spUser = mySite.Owner;
SPMember spMemebr = mySite.RootWeb.Users["My User Name"];
spUser.Groups.Add("GroupName", spMemebr, spUser, "This is Group Description");

//Update Group
SPUser spUser = mySite.Owner;
SPGroup spGroup = spUser.Groups["GroupName"];
spGroup.Name = "newGroupName";

//Retrieve Group
SPUser spUser = mySite.Owner;
SPGroupCollection spGroupCollection = spUser.Groups;

foreach (SPGroup spGroup in groupCollection)
//Store all groups in internal collection

//Delete Group
SPUser spUser = mySite.Owner;