Changing the SharePoint List listitem's permission in event handler

Changing the SharePoint List listitem's permission in event handler

In MOSS 2007 ListItem permission's could be changed by overriding Add\Update event in eventhandler.

Write a eventhandler class (which inherits from SPItemEventReceiver class) as given below...

public override void ItemUpdated(SPItemEventProperties properties)
sGroupName = "Group Name";
spWeb = properties.OpenWeb();
spWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
SPGroupCollection spGroupCollection = spWeb.SiteGroups;
SPRoleDefinition spRoleDefinition = spWeb.RoleDefinitions.GetByType(SPRoleType.Reader);

foreach (SPRoleAssignment spRoleAssignment in properties.ListItem.RoleAssignments)
//Add your conditions to remove/not remove the existing permissions

if (spGroupCollection != null)
SPRoleAssignment spRoleAssignment = new SPRoleAssignment((SPPrincipal)spGroupCollection[sGroupName]);

UpdateUserGroups(spWeb, properties);
spWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;

the above code dose the following...

  • overrides ItemUpdated event (you can do the same for any Item level event)
  • removes all existing permission for the current updated list item
  • adds the Reader permission only for group sGroupName (You can also give contributor permission by changing SPRoleType.Reader to Contributor)

Deploy and attach this event handler to the list where you want to change the ListItem permission whenever the user updates the list item...

Hiding the Context menu item of a Document Library in a SharePoint

Hiding the Context menu item of a Document Library in a SharePoint

Sometimes we found that the some context menu (like "Alert Me", "WorkFlow", etc) in Document Library's is not required for the users, One of my client asked me to take iout the "Alert Me" menu...After some R&D :), i addressed the client requirement

There is a function called "CAMOpt" in Core.JS, this function is used to add new item in ListItem's context menu...the above requirement can be done by writing a new "CAMopt" JS function to override the Core.JS's "CAMOpt" JavaScript method

i wrote a new function (called CAMOpt) to override CMOpt

JS funciton in

function CAMOpt(p,wzText,wzAct,wzISrc,wzIAlt,wzISeq,wzDesc)
var mo=CMOpt(wzText,wzAct,wzISrc,wzIAlt,wzISeq,wzDesc);
if(!mo)return null;
if(wzText != "Alert Me") AChld(p,mo);
return mo;

New overriden JS funciton in document library's allitems page...

function CAMOpt(p,wzText,wzAct,wzISrc,wzIAlt,wzISeq,wzDesc)
var mo=CMOpt(wzText,wzAct,wzISrc,wzIAlt,wzISeq,wzDesc);
if(!mo)return null;
if(wzText != "Alert Me") AChld(p,mo);
return mo;

Context menu item of ListItem could be Edited/Deleted/Added by using above approach...