MOSS Best Practices & Coding Guidelines
A Bad SharePoint code can be one of the key factors for degrading the performance. We should be careful on the following areas when we write the custom code…
· Disposing of SharePoint objects
· Caching data and objects
· Writing code that is scalable
We all know that SPSite class and SPWeb class objects are created as managed objects. However, these objects use unmanaged code and memory to perform the majority of their work. Unfortunately the managed part of the object is small; the unmanaged part of the object is much larger. We should not rely on the garbage collector to release objects from memory automatically. Because the smaller managed part of the object does not put memory pressure on the garbage collector, the garbage collector does not release the object from memory in a timely manner. The object's use of a large amount of unmanaged memory can cause some of the unusual behaviors.
In the SharePoint object model, the Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite and Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb objects are created in managed code as a small wrapper (approximately 2 KB in size). This wrapper then creates unmanaged objects, which can average approximately 1–2 MB in size. If your code resembles the following code example, and if you assume that the SPWeb.Webs collection has 10 subsites, a total of 10 items are created, each with an average of 2 MB of memory (for a total of 20 MB).
Sample code
public void GetNavigationInfo()
SPWeb oSPWeb = SPContext.Web;
// .. Get information oSPWeb for navigation ..
foreach(SPWeb oSubWeb in oSPWeb.GetSubWebsForCurrentUser())
// .. Add subweb information for navigation ..
Table 1. Best and worst case memory usage as number of users increases
Users | Best Case | Worst Case |
10 | 100 MB | 200 MB |
50 | 500 MB | 1000 MB |
100 | 1000 MB | 2000 MB |
250 | 2500 MB | 5000 MB |
The following unusual behaviors can happen because of non-disposing objects
· Frequent recycles of the Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services application pool, especially during peak usage
· Application crashes that appear as heap corruption in the debugger
· High memory use for Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) worker processes
· Poor system and application performance
Power of Using Clause:
Using clause automatically disposes the SharePoint objects. It implements the IDisposable interface.
String str;
using(SPSite oSPsite = new SPSite("http://server"))
using(SPWeb oSPWeb = oSPSite.OpenWeb())
str = oSPWeb.Title;
str = oSPWeb.Url;
Make sure that the following objects are properly disposed either by using Using Clause or by uinsg Dispose method:
a. SPSite.OpenWeb - creates new items and should be disposed of.
b. SPSite.RootWeb and SPWeb.ParentWeb - creates new objects and assign them to a local member variable.
c. SPSite() constructors
a. SPSite (Guid) Initializes a new instance of the SPSite class based on the specified GUID for a site collection.
b. SPSite (String) Initializes a new instance of the SPSite class based on the specified absolute URL.
c. SPSite (Guid, SPUrlZone) Initializes a new instance of the SPSite class based on the specified site collection GUID and URL zone.
d. SPSite (Guid, SPUserToken) Initializes a new instance of the SPSite class based on the specified site collection GUID and user token.
e. SPSite (String, SPUserToken) Initializes a new instance of the SPSite class based on the specified absolute URL and user token.
f. SPSite (Guid, SPUrlZone, SPUserToken) Initializes a new instance of the SPSite class based on the specified site collection GUID, URL zone, and user token.
d. SPSiteCollection Class
e. SPSiteCollection.Add method - It creates and returns a new SPSite object
f. SPSiteCollection [ ] Index Operator - It returns a new SPSite object for each access
Bad Practice:
a. SPGlobalAdmin oSPGlobalAdmin = new SPGlobalAdmin();
SPSiteCollection aSites = oSPGlobalAdmin.VirtualServers[0].Sites;
SPSite oSPSite = aSites.Add( ... );
... Process the site info ...
b. SPGlobalAdmin oSPGlobalAdmin = new SPGlobalAdmin();
SPSiteCollection aSites = oSPGlobalAdmin.VirtualServers[0].Sites;
foreach(SPSite oSPSite in aSites)
BuildTableRow(oDisplayTable, "Site", oSPSite.Url);
Good Practice:
a. int i;
SPSite oSPSite;
SPGlobalAdmin oSPGlobalAdmin = new SPGlobalAdmin();
SPSiteCollection aSites = oSPGlobalAdmin.VirtualServers[0].Sites;
for(i = 0;i < aSites.Count;i++)
oSPSite = aSites[i];
BuildTableRow(oDisplayTable, "Site", oSPSite.Url);
b. int i;
SPGlobalAdmin oSPGlobalAdmin = new SPGlobalAdmin();
SPSiteCollection aSites = oSPGlobalAdmin.VirtualServers[0].Sites;
for(i = 0;i < aSites.Count;i ++)
using(SPSite oSPSite = aSites[i])
BuildTableRow(oDisplayTable, "Site", oSPSite.Url);
g. SPSite.AllWebs Property (SPWebCollection) - SPSites.AllWebs.Add Method
h. SPSite.OpenWeb
i. SPSite. SelfServiceCreateSite Methods - Creates a SPWeb object and return it to the caller
j. SPSite.LockIssue, SPSite.Owner, and SPSite.SecondaryContact Properties - All these properties reference data from the top-level Web site and use the SPSite.RootWeb property
k. SPSite.RootWeb property – This property determines whether a member variable is assigned with a non-null value. If the member variable is null, a new SPWeb object is created by calling SPSite.OpenWeb method.
l. SPWeb Objects
m. SPWeb.ParentWeb Property
n. Area.Web property - It returns a new SPWeb object each time it is accessed
o. WebPartPage.RootWeb Property - The WebPartPage.RootWeb property is similar to the SPSite.RootWeb property in that the first time the property
Though Dispose and close dose the same thing, Microsoft recommends to use Displose for the following reason…
· SPWeb and SPSite objects implement the IDisposable interface, and the standard .NET Framework process calls the Dispose method to free from memory any resources associated with the object.
· Future releases of your code are ensured to be called properly.
Many of us are using Microsoft .NET Framework caching objects (for example, System.Web.Caching.Cache) to help make better use of memory and increase overall system performance. But, many objects are not "thread safe" and caching those objects can lead to application crashes and unexpected or unrelated user errors.
We are trying to increase performance and memory usage by caching SPListItemCollection objects that are returned from queries. In general, this is a good practice but the SPListItemCollection object contains an embedded SPWeb object that is not thread safe and should not be cached. For example, assume the SPListItemCollection object is cached in thread A. Then, as other threads try to read it, the application can fail or behave strangely because the object is not thread safe.
Sometimes we are not aware that we are running in a multi-threaded environment (by default, Internet Information Services is multi-threaded) or how to manage that environment. The following code example shows the caching Microsoft.SharePoint.SPListItemCollection objects.
Sample code
public void CacheData()
SPListItemCollection oListItems;
oListItems = (SPListItemCollection)Cache["ListItemCacheName"];
if(oListItems == null)
oListItems = DoQueryToReturnItems();
Cache.Add("ListItemCacheName", oListItems, ..);
In the previous code example, the problem is that if the query to get the data takes 10 seconds, our could have many users hitting that page at the same time, all running the same query and trying to update the same cache object at the same time. This can cause performance issues because the same query might be running 10, 50, or 100 times and can cause crashes because multiple threads are trying to update the same object at the same time, especially on multi-process, hyper-threaded computers. To fix this, we must change the code as follows.
Sample Code
public void CacheData()
SPListItemCollection oListItems;
oListItems = (SPListItemCollection)Cache["ListItemCacheName"];
if(oListItems == null)
oListItems = DoQueryToReturnItems();
Cache.Add("ListItemCacheName", oListItems, ..);
It is possible to increase performance slightly by placing the lock inside the if(oListItems == null) code block. When we do this, we do not need to suspend all threads while checking to see if the data is already cached. Depending on how long it takes the query to return the data, there is still the possibility that more than one user might be running the query at the same time.
Sample code: Using DateTable object which is thread safe
public void CacheData()
DataTable oDataTable;
SPListItemCollection oListItems;
oDataTable = (DataTable)Cache["ListItemCacheName"];
if(oDataTable == null)
oListItems = DoQueryToReturnItems();
oDataTable = oListItems.GetDataTable();
Cache.Add("ListItemCacheName", oDataTable, ..);
Writing scalable code is very important when we handle multiple users at the same time.
· Is the data static (seldom changes), somewhat static (changes occasionally), or dynamic (constantly changing)?
· Is the data the same for all users, or does it change? For example, does it change depending on the user who is logged on, the part of the site being accessed, or the time of year (seasonal information)?
· Is the data easily accessible or does it require a long time to return the data? For example, is it returning from a long-running SQL query or from remote databases that can have some network latency in the data transfers?
· Is the data public or does it require a higher level of security?
· What is the size of the data?
· Is the SharePoint site on a single server or on a server farm?
A good example of this is creating custom navigation information for all sites and subsites on each page or as part of a master page. For example, if we have a SharePoint site on a corporate intranet and each department has its own site with many subsites, our code might resemble the following.
public void AddAllWebs(SPWeb oSPWeb)
foreach(SPWeb oSubWeb in oSPWeb.Webs)
//.. Code to add items ..
While the previous code disposes of objects properly, it still causes problems because the code is going through the same lists over and over. For example, if we have 10 site collections and an average of 20 sites or subsites per site collection, we would iterate through the same code 200 times. For a small number of users this might not cause bad performance. But, as we add more users to the system, the problem gets worse. Table 2 shows this.
Table 2. Iterations increase as the number of users increase
Users | Iterations |
10 | 2000 |
50 | 10000 |
100 | 200000 |
250 | 500000 |
The above code executes for each user that hits the system, but the data remains the same for everyone. The impact of this can vary depending on what the code is doing. The above code creates a lot of performance overhead.
There are several ways we can make our code more scalable and handle multiple users.They are...
· Caching Raw Data
· Building Data Before Displaying It
· Caching for a Single Server or Server Farm
we can cache our data by using the System.Web.Caching.Cache object. This object requires that we query the data one time and store it in the cache for access by other users.
If our data is static, we can set up the cache to load the data once and not expire until the application is restarted or to load once a day to ensure data freshness. We can create the cache item when the application starts, when the first user session starts, or when the first user tries to access that data.
If our data is somewhat static, we can set up the cached items to expire within a certain number of seconds, minutes, or hours after it is created. This enables us to refresh your data within a timeframe that is acceptable to our users. Even if the data is cached for only 30 seconds, under heavy loads we will still see an increase of performance because we are running the code only once every 30 seconds instead of multiple times a second for every user hitting the system.
Be sure to take into consideration the issues outlined previously in Caching Data and Objects.
We should think how our cached data will be used. If this data is used to make run-time decisions, putting it into a DataSet or DataTable object might be the best way to store it. We can then query those objects for the data to make run-time decisions. If the data is being used to display a list, table, or formatted page to the user, consider building a display object and storing that object in the cache. At run time, we need only to retrieve the object from the cache and call its render function to display its contents. We could also store the rendered output, but this can lead to security issues and the cached item could be quite large, causing a lot of page swapping or memory fragmentation.
Depending on how our SharePoint site is set up, we might have to address some caching issues differently. If our data must be the same on all servers at all times, then we must ensure that the same data is cached on each server. One way to ensure this is to create the cached data and store it on a common server or in an SQL database. Again, we must consider how long it takes to access the data and any security issues of the data being stored on a common server.
To ensure that our SharePoint system performs at its best, we need to check the following points
- Does our code properly dispose of SharePoint objects?
- Does our code cache objects properly?
- Does our code cache the correct types of objects?
- Does our code use thread synchronization when necessary?
- Does our code work as efficiently for 1000 users as it does for 10 users?